The U.S. Center for SafeSport (“SafeSport”) is an organization created by Congress in 2018 (via the SafeSport Authorization Act) to address the problems of sexual abuse of minors and athletes in Olympic sports in the United States. SafeSport is the formal mechanism that U.S. Soccer and other national governing bodies (NGBs) are required by law to use to keep bad actors out of sport.
SafeSport’s approach to preventing abuse in sport begins with awareness and how to recognize the red flags of emotional, physical and sexual misconduct, and then what to do if abuse does occur.
In accordance with the SafeSport Authorization Act & MSA’s MINOR ATHLETE ABUSE PREVENTION POLICY (as required by U.S. Soccer Policy 212-3), please see below for details regarding Mandatory and Optional SafeSport Education & Training:
Mandatory Child Abuse Prevention Training
The following Adult Participants must complete the “SafeSport Trained Core” Course before regular contact with an amateur athlete who is a minor begins, and within the first 45 days of either initial membership or upon beginning a new role subjecting the adult to this policy.
- Adult Participants who have regular contact with any amateur athlete(s) who is a minor;
- Adult Participants who have authority over any amateur athlete(s) who is a minor;
- Adult Participants who are an employee or board member of MSA OR ANY OF ITS MEMBERS.
- Adult Participants, who are medical providers, required to take training under Section (a) can take the Health Professionals Course in lieu of the SafeSport Trained Core.
The above listed Adult Participants must complete a refresher course on an annual basis, beginning the calendar year after completing the SafeSport Trained Core. Every four years, Adult Participants will complete the SafeSport Trained Core training. Medical providers can take the Health Professionals Course in lieu of the SafeSport Trained Core and are required to take the refresher courses on an annual basis if they meet the criteria for #1 above.
Optional Training (For Parents & Minor Athletes)
Parent Training: Training is available upon request for Parents regarding prevention and reporting of child abuse.
Minor Athlete Training: Training is available (subject to parental consent) upon request for Minor Athletes on the prevention and reporting of child abuse.